Buying Death Runes
Buying death runes from the zamorak mages in the wilderness is one of the easiest money-making methods.
Let’s begin talking about the requirements. You will need to have some spare cash to buy the death runes –the more you have, the better. You will also have to complete the rune mysteries quests beforehand as well as they enter the abyss mini-quest, which will unlock your ability to buy runes from the shop.

Once you have fulfilled those requirements, take whatever amount of money you are willing to spend and risk, gather some food, and head northwest of the grand exchange. The zamorak mage should be right out there in level 4 wilderness.
The chances are that there will be a couple of essence runners and rune crafters in the area, so keep an eye out for anyone close to your combat level. Hop around, take a look at the runes, and continue with the method until you have enough.
It’s truly recommended to check different worlds. If you find that some worlds don’t have any death runes, the chances are that other people are doing the same as you. Regardless, this method is worth the trouble because you can make anywhere from 1 to 2 million per hour.
Lava Dragons
You will not be taking a lot of profit from lava dragons, around 100k-400k per hour, you will also be getting a lot of low-level magic on the good side.

As far as the requirements are concerned, to begin with, you must have fire strikes, which is a level 13 mage spell, and 500 to 1,000 spells of your choosing. The recommended gear is just some blue robes, a fire staff, an amulet of glory, and anti-fire dragon shield, some food, a dose of stamina potion, and a burning amulet to teleport out of the wilderness. Also, bring 500 casts of your favorite spell.
How To Get There
Teleport to the lava maze. Keep in mind that this is the wilderness, so you will be risking everything but your best three items once you are there, run east of the maze until you reach the lava dragon isle.
You will have to safe-spot all of the dragons, so stand behind an object that keeps you out of their range. Once you have found a nice safe-spot, go ahead and auto-cast your spell. You can go AFK since you don’t have to pay much attention, and in the event of someone killing you, they likely won’t even bother picking up the things you have since they are fairly cheap.
As a lower level using a fire strike, you will be averaging around 25-30k XP per hour.
This a good method to get your hands on some starting cash. Look for the bounty world; sometimes, when people are done fighting for some reason, they leave some scraps left behind.

One way you can make money early on is precisely by just going around and picking up everything you come across.
It can be anything from rune knives, kebbit bolts, etc. You should bring some food in case anyone tries to attack you. You can expect to make around 40k in as little as five minutes.
Bracelet of Ether
This method allows you to train your account at a pretty efficient rate while also making money, which is a combination that isn’t common at a lower level. What you are going to need for this method is a starting cash check of 500k+ and level 55 magic for high alchemy.
There is quite a process for ether bracelets. There are three components to it.
- The ether bracelet
- The revenant ether
- High alchemy

If you examine the ether bracelet, you will notice that it only high arches for around 300 GP less than its ge value, which means that you’d be losing money and nature runes. But if you use the one piece of revenant ether, which costs 175 GP, on the bracelet of ether, its price goes up to 45k, which is higher than the grand exchange price.
Be sure to check the current price before doing this method though as its not always profitable.
All in all, basically every time that you end up using one of the revenant ether on a bracelet and then add high alchemy, you are making 1,000 GP, and besides, you also will be making some magic XP.
It would help if you had some starting cash, but even once you start getting up there in gold, this is even a better method. The more bracelets you have, the fewer times you have to go and sell at the grand exchange and re-buy stuff.
In regards to how to go about doing this, you can’t, for example, take out five ether and use all of them on a single bracelet; you must use only one per each bracelet. Just follow the process consistently until you have a full inventory. Once you get the hang of it, it turns straightforward, and you will be able to do it very quickly.
Once you have all the bracelets done, all you have to do is use high alchemy on them. Overall, if you’re making 1,000 GP per cast, you can expect to make close to 650 k per hour following this technique. On top of that, you will be getting close to 40k magic XP per hour as well.
For a lower-level that needs to get its magic level up and make some cash, this is a very well balanced method.
Unfinished Potions
Depending on when you do it, this is an excellent method. It relies significantly on margins, so you have to check what are the differences in prices for potions, but even that is very simple to go on about.
There are only two requirements that you will need to fulfill to follow this method accordingly. The first one is that you will have to get some starting cash stack once again, which will vary depending on what herb you are doing. You will also need 50 herblore, although it should just align to the type of herb you want to do, 50 it’s a decent starting point.

Once you’ve got the herblore level necessary to do the herbs of your choosing, take notes of which ones are available and check out all of them’ prices. You can do that by buying a clean form of whatever herb you want to buy and then the unfinished version.
In case you don’t know, there are two different stages on herblore –the unfinished version and the finished version. The first part won’t give you any XP, that means that you make money by turning them into unfinished potions.
To give you an example, the input cost of one is 8k, and 53 GP, and the outpost price stands at 230 GP profit. It might not seem like a lot of money at first sight, but considering how fast you can fill them up overall, you can expect to make about 4,000 of them per hour.
Typically, the highest profits that you will find will be between 350 and 400 GP, meaning that you can make about 1.6 million. You should always shop to try to find the best margin, but you should be able to find at least 200 to 250 GP, which even then means that you can make from 500k-1m per hour.
Flipping is not necessarily a money-making method that you can set out in the game to do and do very well right off the bat. It would help if you looked at flipping as a way to do a little bit of side cash with the money that you currently have available.
The overall idea of flipping with side cash is that any item in-game traded in the grand exchange has a margin between the buy price and sell price of an item. This price difference between the two is the profit that you can make if you buy from the lower price and then sell it at a higher price.

There’s no one in the game that is selling for between that margin so that you can use that for your flip. Ultimately, there’s a lot of techniques to flipping, but even with as low as 200k, you can buy a lot of clue items that still have decent margins on them between 10 and 50k, because they are not commonly sold.
If you are also doing a little bit of skilling on the side, you could be flipping and making 20 to 50 k per hour even if you only have 200k. If you are somewhere close to 2 or 3 million, you can expect to make around 200 k an hour on the side with just some average flips, so it’s a good choice to build your bank. It might not be the best GP per hour, but bearing in mind that you don’t need to put your focus on it solely and instead, it just buys while you do other stuff, it’s worth it to give it a try.
Tanning Dragonhides
Another more regular money-making method is tanning hides. The requirements that you need to fulfill to do this is first, having between 500k-1 million, just so you can have some built-up dragon hide, so you don’t have to teleport to the grand exchange to sell them all the time.
You want to have at least 200 to 300 dragon hides before you start with this method. In addition to that, if you can get your agility up, it is strongly recommended to do so. Agility is a skill that you’re going to have to get up anyway at some point in the future. When you’re tanning hides, you’re going to find yourself constantly running, so the higher your agility level, the less you will use as far as run energy is concerned.
You can make around 500k-1m per hour tanning dragonhide.

As for tanning hides, there is a reduced list of items that you will be needing. First of all, is some cash, stamina potions are also advised, and depending on how you want to go about it, you can bring a ring of dueling as well, or you can bring more energy potions in your bag.
Keep in mind that you will be running back and forth between the bank at al kharid and to the shop quite a lot, so you can either buy regular energy potions or, if you want, you can teleport to clan wars when you run out of energy.
- when you are totally out of energy, your stamina potions won’t be able to fill you up enough, so you will have to head to the western side of clan wars and go through the free-for-all portal. Once you run through it, your energy will be filled. Then you have to teleport back to the duel arena and go again.
The process is quite simple. Start by drinking a dose of your stamina potion, go to your bank, and take out your untanned dragon hide. Go to the north side to start tanning them. You will likely encounter some other people doing the same since you can do it at pretty much any level as long as you have the cash needed to buy the hides.
On average, you can expect to be making around 200 GP per inventory that you do, so that means if you have 27 of the 200 times, you will be looking at a little over 5k per run that you do. All in all, it is a decent profit, and all you have to do is run back and forth to the shop.