How to Get Scrolls Fast
Beginner Clues
Killing Low-level F2P monsters
Most low-level monsters drop beginner clues, here are some that drop them:
- Goblins
- Cows
- Chickens
- Giant Rats
- Giant Spiders
- Men & Women
- Moss Giants
- Skeletons
Clue Bottles
You can also get clue scrolls from clue bottles when skilling.
Both baby and young implings drop beginner clue scrolls.

Young implings have a 1 in 25 chance and baby implings have a 1 in 50 chance of dropping a beginner clue scroll.
Easy Clue Scrolls
Baby, Young and Gourmet implings also drop easy clue scrolls
- Baby – 1 in 100
- Young – 1 in 50
- Gourmet – 1 in 25
Pickpocketing HAM Members
Pickpocketing HAM members is a great way of getting easy clue scrolls. It’s a 1 in 50 chance of receiving an easy clue scroll after successfully pickpocketing them.

Killing Low-level monsters
Monsters such as Goblins, men & women all have a 1 in 128 chance of dropping an easy clue scroll.
Another great method is killing Thugs beneath in the Edgeville dungeon. They are aggressive so it’s easy to AFK them.
Make sure to bring an imbued ring of wealth for an increased drop rate(since it’s in level 1 wilderness). It’s a 1 in 64 drop chance, making it one of the fastest methods of getting easy clue scrolls.

Medium Clue Scrolls
Earth, Essence and Eclectic implings drop medium clue scrolls once opened.
- Earth – 1 in 100
- Essence – 1 in 50
- Eclectic – 1 in 25
Killing Falador Guards with a Cannon
This is probably one of the fastest way to get medium clue scrolls. They drop them at a 1 in 128 chance. With a cannon you can kill them fast.

Killing Ice Warriors in the Wilderness
If you have imbued a ring of wealth, you get a 1 in 64 chance of getting a medium clue from the Ice Warriors at the Ice Plateu in the wilderness.

If you want you can bring a cannon and kill them even faster, but it’s risky since it’s deep in the wilderness.
Hard/Elite Clue Scrolls
You can get hard clue scrolls from Nature, Magpie, and Ninja Implings. This gets quite costly though so its not recommended.
- Nature – 1 in 100
- Magpie – 1 in 50
- Ninja – 1 in 25
Slayer Tasks
Doing Slayer tasks with the wilderness Slayer Master Krystilia offers a good chance of receiving clue scrolls since you’ll be doing all the clues in the wilderness where you can wear the imbued ring of wealth. She’s located in the Edgeville jail north of the bank. If you do not like wilderness tasks, general slaying in the catacombs of kourend is also a great way of getting hard clue scrolls fast.

Tasks such as Hellhounds and Jellies are great for clue scrolls.
Killing Skotizo
Killing Skotizo is a great way of farming hard and elite clue scrolls, which is why its great to do tasks in the Catacombs of Kourend in order to get totem pieces.
Killing all 6 barrows brothers give you a 1 in 33 chance of getting an elite clue scroll, making it a great way of farming them.

Killing Wilderness bosses
Wilderness bosses are a great way of making money and getting Elite clue scrolls.
Master Clue Scrolls
There are only 2 ways of obtaining master clue scrolls, getting it once completing another clue scroll or trading 1x of each other clue scroll to Watson.
Getting From Another Clue
You can get Master clue scrolls when completing other clue scrolls.
- Easy – 1 in 50 chance
- Medium – 1 in 30
- Hard – 1 in 15
- Elite – 1 in 5
Trading Clue Scrolls To Watson(Location: Hozidius House)

If you wish to trade an easy, medium, hard and elite clue to Watson, he’ll give you a master clue scroll.