Today we will be covering how to be as lazy as possible to get to level 99 farming. Farming is a pretty expensive skill.
In today’s guide, I also will show you how to get from 250k to 300k XP per day for only 20 to 30 minutes of your time every single day.
There are many different things to do in farming, making this skill very expensive. Following this guide will take about 10 to 16 weeks of very AFK farming to reach level 99 farming.
Farming XP rewards
A total of 9 quests can be done for farming, and all of these will give you a total of 53500 XP. The list of quests is as follows
- Recipe for disaster (goblin subquest) – 1000 XP
- Enlightened journey – 3000 XP
- Fairytale I – growing pains – 3500 XP
- Grim tales – 4000 XP
- Forgettable Tale of a drunken dwarf – 5000 XP
- Garden of tranquility – 5000 XP
- My arm’s big adventure – 5000 XP
- Rum deal – 7000 XP
- Song of the elves – 20000 XP
Suggested quest
- Tree gnome village quest – You will be awarded 2 quest points, 11450 attack XP, and a Gnome amulet of protection. This quest will let you run around the game more efficiently.
- Grand tree quest – You will be awarded 5 quest points, 7900 agility XP18400 attack XP, and 2150 magic XP. This quest will allow you to use the spirit tree.
- A fairy tale – growing pains – You will be awarded 2 quest points, 3500 farming XP, 2000 attack XP, and 1000 magic XP. This quest will give you the magic secateurs.
- A fairy tale II – Cure a queen! – You will be awarded 2 quest points, 3500 herblore XP, and 2500 thieving XP. This quest will let you use the fairy rings and skill lamps.
- My arm’s big adventure – You will be warded 1 quest point, 19k herblore XP, 5k, and Farming XP. This quest will give you a disease-free herb patch to be used.
- Ghosts Ahoy! – You will be awarded 2 quest points and 2400 prayer XP. This quest will give you ecthophial, which grants you teleport ability
- Mourning’s end part I – You will be awarded 2 quest points, 25k hitpoint XP, and 25k thieving XP. This quest will give elf teleport crystals.
Recommended Items
- Glory amulet: Recharge a few of these so you can use them to teleport to Draynor Village.
- Charged ring of wealth: This can allow you to teleport to the grand exchange and Falador park
- Magic secateurs: Will increase the yield of your allotment and hops
- Ectophial: Will allow you to teleport Ectofuntus
- Elf teleport crystal: Will allow you to teleport to the Elven village of Lletya and Priffidinas
- Farmer’s outfit: Will give you a 2.5% increase in every farming action
- Charged skill necklace: Will allow you to teleport to the farming guild
- Xeric talisman: Will allow you to teleport to the Xeric guild
- Bottomless compost bucket: It will store 10k types of one type of compost
Tips and Tricks

- Use tool leprechauns because they can hold items for you
- Always use ultra compost because it gives the best yield
- If you can, do an allotment run every 80 to 90 minutes
- Always do the best herbs that you can
- Do 3 tree runs per day up to level 45 and start doing 2 tree runs per day after level 45
- Don’t be cheap when paying money to protect your crops. It is important to get the best yield
- Don’t forget to grow your calquat trees as it takes about 21 hours to grow fully
- Do fruit trees run once per day to stay on schedule
- This is optional but tries to have a jewelry box and portal nexus in your player-owned house
Allotment and Herbs
There are 6 locations for allotments and herbs.

They are South of Falador, West of Port Phasmatys, North of Ctherby, North of Ardugne, and Southwest corner of Hosidious house, which you need to get 50% favor to enter. The last location will be the farm guild; you must be level 45 to enter it.
Allotment Leveling
From levels 1 to 5, you will be planting potatoes. At level 2, you will be planting marigolds. This flower will protect your potatoes, tomatoes, and onions from diseases.
From levels 5 to 12, you will be planting onions.
From levels 12 to 20, you will be planting tomatoes.
From levels 20 to 47, you will be planting sweetcorn.
At level 23, you will make a scarecrow and replace the marigold. This will protect the sweetcorn from the birds.
From levels 47 to 99, you will be planting watermelons. At level 47, you will replace the scarecrows with nasturtiums. This will protect your watermelon from diseases.
Herb Crops
lvl 9-14
From levels 9 to 14, you will be planting Guam leaves.
lvl 14-19
From levels 14 to 19, you will be planting marrentill. From levels 19 to 26, you will be planting tarromin.
lvl 26-32
From levels 26 to 32, you will be planting harralander.
lvl 32-38
From levels 32 to 38, you will be planting ranarr weeds. From levels 38 to 44, you will be planting toadflax.
lvl 44-56
From levels 44 to 56, you will be planting irit leaves.
lvl 50-56
From levels 50 to 56, you will be planting avantoe.
lvl 56-62
From levels 56 to 62, you will be planting kwuarm.
lvl 62-67
From levels 62 to 67, you will be planting snapdragons.
lvl 67-73
From levels 67 to 73, you will be planting cadantine.
lvl 73-79
From levels 73 to 79, you will be planting lantadyme.
lvl 79-85
From levels 79 to 85, you will be planting dwarf weeds.
lvl 85-99
From levels 85 to 99, you will be planting torstol.

You can have a full graceful set. This will make your energy last a lot longer. You will need an ectophial, xeric talisman, Camelot tp, and ardougne teleport tab and skill necklace for teleportation. You also need to have a glory amulet for teleportation. You also need to have magic secateurs to increase your crop yield. You also need a spade, seed dibber, and a rake. You will also need seeds for your corresponding levels.
Tree runs
There are 6 locations you can plant trees at.

They are west of Lumbridge, Varrock castle courtyard, Falador park, Taverley, tree gnome stronghold, and farming guild. The first 5 locations are done before level 65, and the last is after level 65, as you need to be at level 65 to enter the farming guild.
For the tree runs, you will need saplings. This will be created with the respective tree seed in an empty pot, and you can water it. You can alternatively buy it off the grand exchange.
Tree Farming
From levels 15 to 30, you will be panting acorn, which will grow to become oak trees. You will need 3 runs a day and one tomato basket to protect it from disease. You will get 481 XP from each.
From levels 30 to 45, you will be planting willow trees and need 3 runs per day. From level 45 to 60, you will be planting maple trees and need 2 runs per day. You will need 1 basket of apples to protect it from diseases, and you will get 1481 XP each. You will need one basket of oranges to protect it from diseases, and you will get 3448 XP each.
You will plant yew trees from levels 60 to 75 and need 2 runs per day. You will need 10 cactus spines to protect it from diseases and get 7151 XP each.
From levels 75 to 99, you will be planting magic trees and need 2 runs per day. You will need 25 coconut baskets to protect from disease and get 13914 XP each.

Use a Graceful outfit. You can have a glory amulet, a ring of wealth, spade, rake, Lumbridge teleport, Varrock teleport, house teleport, and 6 tree saplings.
Fruit trees
There are 6 locations for fruit trees.

They are tree gnome stronghold, east of Catherby, west of gnome village, north of Brimhaven, and the town of Lletya. All these are locations before you hit level 85. The location after 85 is the farming guild.
Fruit tree leveling
You will plant apple trees from levels 27 to 33 and need 45 sweetcorn to protect them with 1221 XP each.
From levels 33 to 39, you will plant banana trees and need 20 baskets of apples to protect them with 1778 XP each.
From levels 39 to 42, you will be planting orange trees and need 15 baskets of strawberries to protect them with 2505 XP each.
From levels 42 to 51, you will plant curry trees and need 25 baskets of bananas to protect them, with 2946 XP each.
From levels 51 to 57, you will be planting pineapple trees and will need 50 watermelons to protect them, giving 4662 XP each.
From levels 57 to 68, you will be planting papaya trees and will need 50 pineapples to protect them with 6218 XP each.
From levels 68 to 99, you will plant palm trees and need either 75 or 90 papayas with XP of 10260 each.

I have my full graceful set, skills necklace, spade, rake, 6 saplings, Varrock teleport, Camelot teleport, Ardougne teleport, and tiny elf teleport crystals.
- Calquat trees – you can get 12516.5 XP per day. It is cheap and takes 21 hours to grow. It is located in Tai Bwo Wannai village, and you need farming level 72
- Spirit trees – You need level 83 farming. You can only grow one tree, but at level 91, you can grow 2, and at level 99, you can grow an unlimited amount of trees. It needs 2.5 days to grow, and you will get 19500 XP for each tree.
- Hardwood trees – Can be planted at fossil islands (3). Hardwood trees are teak, which gives you 7290 XP and the growing time is 2 days and 17 hours, and mahogany trees which give you 15720 XP, and the growing time is 3 days and 13 hours
- Redwood trees – The location is in the farming guild, and you can get 22450 XP each, and the growing time is 4 days. You need level 90 to do this.