Farming Basilisk Knights are usually done as part of the slayer task. Most players choose to never skip this Slayer task because it is one of the more profitable ones. It awards reasonable XP and you can get decent loot in the process.
- Level 60 Slayer
- Completion of Fremennik Exiles quest
- Some food to manage your hit points
- V’s Shield if you play melee
- Mirror Shield if you play ranged (does not decrease range attack)
- Prayer potions for melee
- If you want them assigned by Konar, Duradel or Nieve you need to have unlocked Basilocked on your slayer rewards.

High Level Ranged

- Slayer helm(i)
- Ava’s Assembler
- Necklace of Anguish
- Dragonstone Bolts (e)
- Armadyl crossbow
- armadyl chestplate
- mirror shield
- armadyl chainskirt
- barrows gloves
- Pegasian boots
- archers ring(i)
Mid-level Range

- Black mask(i)
- Avas Acculmulator
- Amulet of Fury
- Amethyst Broad Bolts
- Dragon Crossbow
- God D’hide
- Mirror Shield
- God Chaps
- God Bracers
- God D’hide Boots
- Archer’s Ring (i)
Melee Setup High Level

- Slayer Helm
- Fire Cape
- Amulet of Torture
- Blessing
- Zamorakian Hasta
- Bandos Chestplate
- V’s SHield
- Bandos Tassets
- Feriocious Gloves
- Primordial Boots
- Berserker Ring (i)
Melee Setup Mid Level

- Black Mask
- Mythical Cape
- Amulet of Fury
- Blessing
- Leaf-Bladed Battleaxe
- Torag’s Platebodyu
- V’s Shield
- Verac’s plateskirt
- Barrows Gloves
- Dragon Boots
- Berserker Ring (I)
Basilisk Knight Location
To farm Basilisk Knights, you need to travel to the Island of Stone by speaking to Haskal. Basilisks Knights are found in the Jormungand’s Prison. To get there, you have several options:
- You can use the house teleport to Rellekka.
- Fremenik Sea Boots
- Waterbirth Teleport
- Enchanted Lyre
- Rellekka Teleport
- Fairy Ring DKS

You can reach the island by boarding Haskell’s boat directly north of Yrsa’s Accoutrements. Once you get to the island, walk north. You will find the cave entrance right in the middle of the island.

Inside the cave, you will see that there are several areas in which you can kill basilisks. Basilisk knights are found in only two of the areas. You will find them in the bottom southwest corner and the most southern chamber from the place you walked in the cave.
How to Farm Basilisk Knights For Slayer and GP
If you are ranged, you can find several places inside the cave where you can safe spot them. Look for areas in which there are stalagmites on the floor. If you hide behind them, you can safe spot the basilisks. Keep in mind that they are not aggressive. Basilisks will attack you only if you attack them first. They will also stop attacking if you stop as well. Regardless of your setup, basilisk will only use a magic attack against players.

The way you would make money killing basilisks is on a Slayer task. They have a 1 in 1000 chance of dropping a basilisk jaw which is worth a good amount of GP. If you kill them without having the Slayer task assigned, you have a 1 in 5000 chance of getting one. If you do not manage to find a basilisk jaw, you can expect to make around 100.000 GP in profit after subtracting consumables per hour. When you consider you can get the Basilisks Jaw, which is currently worth 15.5 mil, if are on a slayer task, the average kill is worth 20k, and off-task it’s worth 7.5k, making it more profitable than 100k/hour.