To access Basilisk Knights, you must have completed The Fremennik Isles quest. You will also need a level 60 Slayer to damage them, and they give 300 Slayer XP per kill.

Basilisk Knights have a combat level of 204, they are 300 hit points, and they mostly use magic and melee as attack style with a maximum of 20 for both.

They also have a special attack, but you will be able to fend it off easily as long as you have your auto-retaliate. These are very aggressive monsters whose main weaknesses are crush and range attack.

These are the recommended items to bring with you when completing this task:
- Rune Pouch
- Holy Wrench.
- Food
- Prayer Potion
- Divine Ranging or Divine Super Combat Potions
- Teleports
Range Setup (recommended)

- Slayer Helm. Black Mask, Armadyl Helmet, 3rd Age Range Coif.
- Necklace of Anguish. Amulet of Fury, Amulet of Glory, Amulet of Power, Amulet of Accuracy.
- Armadyl Chestplate. 3rd Age Range top, God D’hide, Karil’s leather top, Ranger’s Tunic.
- Armadyl Chainskirt. 3rd Age Range legs, Black D’hide chaps, Karil’s leather skirt.
- Pegasian Boots. Ranger Boots, God D’hide Boots, Boots of Brimstone, Snakeskin Boots.
- Barrows Gloves. God Bracers, Black D’hide Vambs, 3rd Age Vambraces.
- Mirror Shield. V’s Shield.
- Armadyl Crossbow. Dragon Hunter Crossbow, Dragon Crossbow, Rune Crossbow.
- Ava’s Assembler. Ava’s Accumulator, Range Cape, Ava’s Attractor.
- Archer’s Ring. Ring of the Gods, Brimstone Ring, Ring of Suffering, Explorer’s Ring.
- Dragonstone Bolts. Amethyst Broad Bolts, Diamond Bolts, Runite Bolts.

Melee Setup

- Slayer Helm. Black Mask, Neitiznot Faceguard, Serp Helm, Helm of Neitiznot.
- Amulet of Torture. Amulet of Fury, Amulet of Glory, Amulet of Strength, Amulet of Power.
- Bandos Chestplate. Fighter Torso, Obsidian, Justiciar, Barrows, Dragon, Granite, or Monks.
- Bandos Tassets. Obsidian, Justiciar Leg-guards, Barrows, 3rd Age, Proselyte Cuisse.
- Primordial Boots. Dragon, Guardian, Granite, Dragonstone, Gilded, Rune, or Adamant.
- Ferocious. Barrows, Dragon Gloves, Rune Gloves, Regen Brace, Addy Gloves.
- V’s Shield. Mirror Shield.
- Ghrazi Rapier. Blade of Saeldor, Zamorakian Hasta, Abyssal Tent, Dragon Scimitar.
- Infernal Cape. Fire Cape. Mythical Cape, Skill Cape, Obsidian Cape, Ardougne Cloak.
- Berserker Ring. Ring of Suffering, Brimstone Ring, Ring of the Gods.
- Rada’s Blessing 4. Any God Blessing.
Basilisk Knight Location
Jormungand’s Prison
The fastest way to get yourself here is using the Fremennik Sea Boots teleport and then traveling with Haskell, located on the most western dock of Rellekka.

Your next best option is using a water-birth teleport, which you can do on the Lunar Spell Book at level 72 magic.
You can also use a water-birth portal inside a player’s own house. Additionally, you can use an enchanted lyre teleport to Rellekka and then head northwest to find Haskell.
Your final option to get to the Prison is by getting yourself to the Rellekka house portal and then run north. You can do this by moving your house to Rellekka for 10,000 coins along with level 30 construction.
It’s highly recommended to use a Range armor setup because it is very easy to a safe spot and kill Basilisks inside the Prison. Melee is not all that bad, but since you will need to bank the monsters’ melee attacks, it’s going to be a little more demanding since you will have to look out for your health and prayer points.
The marked spot is a safespot if you are ranging, or encounter a superior monster.

- On a quick note, remember that you are not allowed to use a cannon on this location.
Once you are inside the Prison, there will be two rooms where you can kill Basilisk Knights, both located on the southern side; you will get the most kills in the one on the western side. As you run towards your preferred location, turn on your quick prayers, and find a safe spot as soon as possible.
Go ahead and drink your boosting potions, turn on your auto retaliate, and click on the monsters to attack them.
When you need to pick up the loot, use the Telegrab spell, and this will enable you to pick the item without leaving your safe spot.