Old School Runescape Aviansies Guide
The Serpentine Helmet is the weapon that does the damage given its venomous effect, so wearing one is a must to kill Aviansies with this method.
Having either 60 Agility or 60 Strength is also a requirement.
Recommended Armor
Here are the recommended armor setup and a few replacements if you don’t have the items listed as the first option.

Remember that you need to wear at least one piece of armor equipment for Saradomin, Zamorak, Bandos, and Armadyl.
- Serpentine Helm(very important).
- Necklace of Anguish.
- Ava’s Assembler.
- War Blessing. Broad Bolts
- Armadyl D’hide. Monk’s robe top.
- Saradomin Chaps. Zamorak Monk robe top.
- Zamorak Bracers. Bandos Bracers.
- Pegasian Boots.
- Archer’s Ring.
- Toxic Blowpipe. Rune Crossbow.

Inventory Setup

- A few ranging potions.
- 8-9 super restore potions.
- Holy wrench.
- A crossbow of your choosing.
- Herb sack.
- Teleports to house
- Rune pouch filled with nature, fire, and lava runes.
- Mithril grapple.
- A rope (not needed if you have been to the Gods Dungeon before).
Aviansies Location
Aviansies can be found in the God Wars Dungeon. To get there, you will need to teleport to Trollheim, and once you get there, climb down the rocks. Just click north of the map, and that will make your character run in that direction.
If you haven’t been to the God Wars Dungeon before, you will encounter some trolls that will throw rocks at you so you will have to protect from missiles (you will need to have 40 Prayer to do so).
Run past the trolls and keep heading northeastern. Once you reach the snowy patch, turn up north to enter the passageway.

If you have 60 Agility, you can use it to get past the boulder, or if you have 60 Strength, you can also use it to get through it.
When you get past it, there will be a couple of aggressive levels 100 wolves, so it is advised to protect from melee. Keep walking northeast, and you will soon the dungeon sign pop-up on the map.
If this is your first time in the dungeon, you will need to use a rope to climb down the hole. If you have been there before, the rope will already be attached.
If you are wearing all four, God’s items all the monsters down in the dungeon will not be aggressive. In that way, since you are kind of safe in the dungeon, keep walking south once you climb down the rope until you come across an agility shortcut sign.
When you get there, you will have to wield your crossbow as well as your mithril grapple. You will see a pillar right in front of you. Left-click the grapple, and that will get you past that obstacle. You will now be where the Aviansies are.
How to Kill Aviansies
Once you are in the room of the Aviansies, don’t start killing them right away. First off, wield back your armor and your blessing and head towards the middle room. There are more Aviansies in that part, and you will have better chances of succeeding there.
- If you can play in the resizable mode of OSRS, it is recommended to so because you will get a clearer view of all the Aviansies.
When you get to the room, protect from missiles, drink your ranging potion, and look out for the Aviansies(they have darker-colored wings). You will see some other things flying around, such as spiritual mages.

You need to get all the Aviansies aggressive onto you, and to do that, you need to start attacking them with your chosen weapon. Please stay in the middle room; that way all of them will be consistently aggressive to you.
As long as you hit them once, the venom will affect them, and it will keep stacking on them. It doesn’t matter what kind of darts you use, as long as you constantly hit them.
This is why the Serpentine Helm is so effective; once you attack them, the venom is practically lethal.