Armadyl(Kree’arra) Solo Guide
- You need to have partially completed the Troll Stronghold quest.
- You are also going to need either a Trollheim Teleport or Climbing Boots.
- For first-timers in the God Wars Dungeon, bring a rope as well.
- As for the stats, you need either 60 Agility or 60 Strength. 90+ Ranged is recommended, particularly if you’re going solo, and 70+ Defense.
Higher Budget

Lower Budget

Black Chinchompas. You can opt not to use them, but without chinchompas, you’re not going to get as many kills. Black does better for faster kills, but you can also use red ones. Either way, don’t bring a lot with you because if you die, you will lose all of them.
Twisted Bow. If you don’t want to spend much money, and Armadyl Crossbow is a good replacement, followed by a Rune Crossbow.
Slayer helm, hopefully you are on a task, otherwise the best helmet you can wear.
Ava’s Assembler. The Accumulator will also get the job done.
Necklace of anguish. This is best for range, but an Amulet of Fury will work just fine.
Diamond Dragon Bolts. If you’re bringing an arm crossbow, you should bring diamond dragon bolts as well, enchanted if possible.
Elysian Spirit Shield. A Dragon Fire Shield is your next best option, and if you can’t afford it, a Crystal Shield will be helpful too.
Pegasian Boots. These are best in OSRS, followed by Ranger Boots and God D’hide.
Barrow Globes.
Archer’s Ring. You can also use a ring of suffering. Remember to imbue it.
Inventory Setup

- Twisted Bow or Armadyl Crossbow.
- Blowpipe.
- Saradomin God Cape.
- Zamorak Robe Bottoms.
- Mithril Grapple.
- Trollheim Teleport.
- House Teleport –or a second trollheim teleport.
- Ecumenical Key.
- Rune Pouch –nature runes, lava runes, and water runes.
- Bracelet of Slaughter.
- Ranging Potions.
- Super Restore Potions.
- First-timers –don’t forget your rope!
How To Get To The God Wars Dungeon(Armadyl Location)

The main way to get there is to use the Trollheim Teleport. It will take you to the top of the mountain, right outside of the God Wars Dungeon. Make sure to turn your protective range against the trolls.
If you don’t have teleport, you can walk down from Burthorpe, in which case you will have to bring climbing boots with you.
After you have passed the trolls, you’ll need to push through a big rock that will take about 60 strength or either use the 60 Agility shortcut, which is slightly faster. Make sure to protect from melee past the ice wolves. If it’s your first time, you’ll have to talk to the soldier and use a rope to get inside the Dungeon.
Once you’re in, run south, and you’ll find an area to grapple.
How To Fight The Armadyl Boss(Kree’arra) Solo
When you make it inside the Dungeon make sure that you have your Saradomin and Armadyl gear on or you will be attacked. Once you get past the grappling area, you can drop your Mithril Grapple to have more space. Standing by the door is a safe spot to drop your Zammy/Sara items.

Your quick prayers should be on to protect from range, rigor, and preserve. Kree’arra can use all three styles of attack, he has a max of 71 with range, so if he’s in the room and you don’t have your protection on…you will most likely die.

Taking the southwest side of the room is a good idea, but the truth is that any corner could work. Kree’arra has an attack that will push you back, so no matter what weapon you’re using, you’ll want to make sure that you’re standing on a corner.
* Kree’arra has 1 minute and a half respawn time. If you’re having trouble making Kree’arra follow you, take a few steps out from the corner and back in right away. That should be enough to trigger him.
If you are using chinchompas attack the melee minion, he’ll also be following you to the corner. Kree’arra won’t use his melee attack if he’s being targeted, this means that you need to attack him between every chinchompa throw. If you don’t do this, you will take a lot more damage.

* Using chinchompas is good to speed up your kill, but don’t use tons of it per kill because it will turn super expensive really quick, particularly if you are using black ones.
Once Kree’arra dies, switch to your blowpipe or your blood spells, and take out the minions. Flight is the melee minion, Flockleader is the ranger, and his attacks are simple spear throws, and Wingman is the major which uses a magic attack that seems like darts.

* If you knock out both minions and Kree’arra is not dead yet, you have to go back to the first spot and do it all over again.
Tips and Tricks
* After any kill you do, check if you can use the altar to pray. You can use every 10 minutes.
* The altar can help to lengthen trips, so make sure you use it wisely.
* You can right-click the altar to teleport out of the room.
Armadyl(Kree’arra) Loot
Drop Table
The cost per kill is likely not going to be super high. On average, you’ll be using 18 chinchompas per kill, which at the end is about 56,000 in chinchompas. As for the potions, you will be looking at a little under 10,000 coins plus 10,000 coins in runes per kill.
The average loot of armadyl, if you kill the minions as well you get around 267k per kill. The unique is what makes it worthwhile, so be sure to be patient.

Keep in mind that with lower stats and lower offensive gear, you will get lower kills, and consequently, you will be spending more money per kill unless you’re not using chinchompas. But then again, if you’re not using chins, you’ll be getting even slower kills.
There is a 1 out of 128 chance of hitting the Armour Table, which has three pieces that add up to around 76.7m. That adds up to around 4m/hr in drops.