Swampbark and bloodbark are two different armors that you can utilize for bonuses in the game. These handy bonuses include strengthening in-game spells. However, you may be wondering what other purposes these armors serve. So, with that being said, here’s a helpful guide that will let you decide if the swampbark and bloodbark armors are worth getting.
Things To Know About The Swampbark Armor
Both the swampbark and bloodbark outfits have their magic and defense requirements. And for the swampbark armor, it requires 50 magic and 50 defense before you are able to wield it.

More importantly, every piece of swampbark armor will increase the total span of your bind spells by one tick. So, by equipping the complete swampbark set, you can expect to get three more seconds per bind spell.
Of course, you will also have to take note of the spells you will use. Therefore, you need to utilize the right spells to benefit from this outfit’s set bonuses. For instance, in PvE, you wouldn’t need to use entangle at all. But this outfit becomes handy in PvP situations. Besides, with the swampbark, you get a decent set bonus for the standard spellbook PvP.
However, most players would pick a few parts of the swampbark armor to use. But just in case you don’t own the mystics set, the swampbark armor is a great alternative(especially for an ironman). You can also use this outfit if you don’t have the budget to purchase the mystics’ armor.
Things To Know About The Bloodbark Armor
To wield the bloodbark armor you need 60 magic and 60 defense. In terms of design or aesthetics, the bloodbark armor is more desirable due to its red color compared to the swampbark’s green color scheme.

Stats-wise, with the bloodbark armor, you can gain 1.5% healing upon casting a blood spell per piece. Which has its niche uses, but it’s not particularly useful. However, using this outfit on bosses such as the one found at the end of the Song of the Elves quest might prove to be helpful, especially for Ironman players.
In addition, you can also wear the bloodbark armor at the God Wars Dungeon. Besides, a popular method to heal in that area includes blood bursting the minions once the boss dies. And if you equipped the bloodbark outfit, you can gain extra healing this way. This is especially helpful for players who struggle in this particular dungeon.
Comparing the Swampbark and Bloodbark Armors to the Mystic Outfits
As a whole, the mystic outfit will provide more benefits to players later on in the game compared to the swampbark and bloodbark armors. However, we can conclude that using the swampbark and bloodbark is way better than some pieces in the mystic outfit.
After all, swampbark and bloodbark’s gloves, helmets, and boots include better stats than the mystic outfit’s same pieces. These swampbark and bloodbark armor pieces provide more magic offense and defense. Although it is comparably a tiny gap, this is where the swampbark and the bloodbark armor have an edge.
Final Takeaways: Are They Worth Purchasing?
Overall, these armors serve their purpose, especially for some bosses in the game or during general magic PvP. However, since there are other better options, you’re better off settling for other armor choices instead.
More importantly, since there are only specific places where you can use these sets, it’s another reason why these are not worth the purchase. Still, if you took the time to grind these items and don’t happen to own other higher-level armor sets, then they’re also a good bet.