The first thing that you need to know about the abyssal sire is that it is a slayer boss, meaning that you can only damage him while on a slayer task assigned from one of the slayer masters scattered throughout the world osrs.

The abyssal sire isn’t precisely a hard boss to fight, but you must have some general skills to enhance your chances.
When it comes to melee, it is advised to have at least level 80 in your attack, strength, and defense skills. As for range, you will also need to level 80 and at least 70 of prayer with the piety prayer unlocked.

Since you are expected to use magic when fighting the abyssal, it is recommended to have a bare minimum of level 76 to use the ancient spellbook and the shadow blitz spell. If you can have level 92 magic for the blood barrage spell and level 88 for the shadow barrage spell, your chances will be better.
Recommended Armor
This is an example of lower-tier, pretty affordable gear that you can use. If you can afford to get better armor, you’re advised to do so.

- Slayer helmet. Preferably imbued to get a bonus of 15% to range accuracy and damage.
- Fire cape.
- Amulet of fury. Amulet of torture, if possible.
- Arclight. It will give you additional damage
- Dragon defender.
- Torag’s platebody.
- Torag’s platelegs.
- Barrows gloves.
- Dragon boots. Primordial boots make for a good replacement.
- Berserker’s ring (imbued).
- Rada’s blessing. Any other blessing will work.

- Bandos d’hide top and bottom. Any d’hide will do.
- Ava’s assembler. An accumulator or ranging cape will also work.
- Toxic blowpipe.
- Dragon Warhammer. If you cannot afford a Dragon Warhammer, use a Bandos Godsword or an Arclight as a spec weapon(Arclight is double as effective against demons, making it a viable choice).
- Super combat potion.
- Ranging potion.
- Antidote ++.
- Five super restores.
- Two stamina potions.
- Eight sharks.
- Air runes.
- Rune pouch, filled with blood runes, soul runes, and death runes.
- Staff.
- Construction cape. Or house teleports.
Abyssal Sire Location
There are two main ways of getting to the abyssal sire. The first option is just north of edgeville through the zamorak mage who teleports you to the abyss. The problem with this method is that it will put a skull on you, which is not good while fighting the abyssal sire.

The second and better option is using a fairy ring code D-I-P, which will teleport you to the other realm of the abyssal nexus. Once you are there, you will find four different paths to follow, but they will take you to an abyssal sire.
How to Fight the Abyssal Sire Boss
Tips and Mechanics
Once inside the abyssal sire chamber, you will notice two vents with green smoke on the west side. That is the abyssal sire’s respiratory system.

On the east side, there will be two identical vents. You will also notice six tentacles with eyeballs on them, which you should try to avoid at all costs.

This boss possesses different mechanics. The first thing we will discuss is his defense level. The abyssal sire has a defense level of 250. If you land one special attack, you will reduce that level to 175, and if you land your second special attack, it will be reduced to 123.
This is why the dragon Warhammer is imperative –the special attack reduces defense by 30% if it hits, it can hit a one or a 70, doesn’t matter as long as it hits. This can be compounded with a second attack, but it will only reduce the defense by 30% of the current defense level.
Phase 1 Mechanics
The first mechanic is how to stun or put to sleep the abyssal, which you will need to do to stop the tentacles from hitting you as you run around. You will have to use shadow spells to do this.

With the shadow rush spell, you have a 25% chance of stunning the sire, with burst 50%, blitz 75%, and at shadow barrage, you have a 100% chance.
If you succeed in doing this, the abyssal will be stunned for a certain amount of time, from 20 to 25 seconds. You will then move on to start to attack the respiratory system.

A good approach is to do two respiratory systems at a time, going west and then east. Wait for the boss to come back from its slumber, stun it again and move to the southern vents.
Phase 2 Mechanics
The second part relies on fighting the abyssal sire on melee form. There are three mechanics to be aware of here.
The first is the abyssal spawn; from time to time, the abyssal sire will spawn something, and you will have to kill it. If not, it will evolve into a higher level and cause more damage to you.

Next comes the poison. Underneath of you, the sire can spawn a poison which will rapidly damage you.

The third mechanic refers to the tentacles that the abyssal has on his back. They hit through melee prayer, although it’s not a strong attack.

Phase 3 Mechanics
The final phase of the abyssal sire boss consists of several mechanics. He will move to the center of the room, and he’s going to root himself. After he does that, he’s going to start spawning poison under your feet.

To fend it off, attack the abyssal and then move to the opposite side you’re standing, back and forth.

During the next phase of the fight, you’ll be teleported right in front of the abyssal sire. As soon as you see the teleport animation complete, you need to immediately run south. The abyssal will open up, and if you are within reach, you will take up to 72 damage from the explosion.

After you have avoided the explosion, the poison under your feet will appear once more. While avoiding this, you might want to run back and cast a blood barrage on all abyssal minions. After three times, the poison will stop, and you will have to finish off the kill.