One of the more interesting items in OSRS is the clue scrolls. These items offer you a chance at various rare and valuable items throughout Old School Runescape.
In this guide, we’ll be going over how you can get all of the clue scrolls in the game. Not only that, but we’ll be going over how you can get them as quickly as possible and as easily as possible.
Beginner Scrolls
For those just starting and interested in getting the Beginner Scrolls, you’ll want to spend time hunting Minotaurs. They have a drop loot rate of 1/64 chance for Beginner Scrolls and a 1/64 chance for Easy Scrolls. This makes them a great method of farming scrolls.
If you’ve got a cannon, place it in an area with many of them and let it do all of the work. Once you get the scroll, complete it and, by the time you get back, the Minotaurs should have respawned, allowing you to farm this location indefinitely essentially.
The one challenge is that the back-and-forth process of using a scroll and returning to the area can result in you wasting a good couple of minutes.
Hill Giants
Next up is Hill Giants. These have an estimated drop loot rate of 1/32 for Beginner Scrolls as well as a 1/128 chance of dropping a Giant Key, which essentially will result in you getting an automatic Beginner Scroll.
Comparatively speaking, the only downside to the Hill Giants compared to the Minotaurs is that Minotaurs have an equal chance of dropping Easy Scrolls. Also, when dealing with Hill Giants, you won’t be able to use your cannon, meaning it isn’t nearly as AFK of an experience.
Recommended Impling Jars: Young/Baby
For those interested in using Impling Jars for Beginner Scrolls, you’ll want to invest in finding either Baby Impling Jars or Young Impling Jars.
It should be noted that Young Impling Jars can also drop Easy Scrolls, so they may be worth more of your time, even if they are the more expensive of the two.
Easy Scrolls
Pickpocketing HAM Members
Located northeast of Lumbridge, the HAM member hideout is a great place to snag an Easy Scroll. They have a drop rate of 1/50, and you’ll need at least a Level 15 in Thieving.

You’ll also want to consider wearing the HAM robes, as this will reduce the chance of getting kicked out if you fail a pickpocket action.
Kill Thugs in Edgeville Dungeon
If you aren’t interested in Thieving, you can kill thugs in the Edgeville Dungeon area. You’ll want to bring a Ring of Wealth Imbued with you, as not bringing it greatly reduces the overall effectiveness of this method. Ring of Wealth (imbued) doubles the drop rate of Easy Scrolls, so, again, bring it if you can.

Thugs in the area have a 1/128 drop rate. If you have the Ring of Wealth on, you’re able to cut that in half at a 1/64 drop rate. You don’t have to bring a cannon with you during the process, but it may be worth your time if you’re trying to speed up the process.
Minotaurs (Again)
What can I say? When it works, it works! As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to set up a cannon and let it do all the work for you. The only difference worth noting is that they now have a 1/101 drop rate for Easy Scrolls. This isn’t a huge issue, but it will take you slightly more time.
Recommended Impling Jars: Young
As mentioned for the Beginner Scrolls, you’ll want to consider using Young Impling Jars as they grant you access to both Beginner and Easy scrolls. They are more expensive than Baby Implings, but they’re worth it, in my opinion.
Medium Scrolls
Falador Guards
Falador Guards are a great method of getting Medium Scrolls. They have a 1/128 drop rate. Suppose you’ve completed the Falador Medium Diary, the drop rate increases to a 1/106 chance. You can set up your cannon and just let it go to work (though you’ll likely have to help out against some of the stragglers).
Ice Warriors
Found on Ice Plateau in the wilderness, Ice Warriors are another great (albeit more dangerous) method of getting the Medium Scrolls. You’ll need either the Lunar Teleport or an Ice Plateau Teleport to get there.
You’ll also want to have a Ring of Wealth imbued as well as a cannon. The cannon will make the process AFK as they aren’t so dangerous. The Ring of Wealth, as mentioned earlier, will double the drop rate. This takes it from 1/128 to 1/64, definitely making it worth it overall.
Recommended Impling Jars: Eclectic
While certainly costing a fair bit, Eclectic Implings are a great method of getting Medium Scrolls. You’ll want to get around 10k Impling Jars.
Again, this can be expensive, so always keep in mind the amount of money you have. Generally, the value of the items you’ll get with a Medium Clue Scroll is enough that you’ll be able to come out ahead. Still, you’ll want to be aware of how much you’re spending.
Hard Scrolls
Warped Jellies
Barraging Warped Jellies is a great way to get a Hard Clue Scroll. These creatures are found in the Catacombs of Kourend and have a drop rate for Hard Scrolls at 1/64. This will take around 7.5 minutes for every clue.

The best way to kill a lot of Jellies at once is by barraging them. This is the process of using a blowpipe to get their attention and have them chase you. Then, because they are jelly, they can share the same space. You’ll want to get as many as possible on top of one another. Then, you can attack them all at the same time. This massively reduces the amount of time you’ll spend killing them instead of dealing with one at a time.
Green Dragons
Another method is by hunting Green Dragons. Found in the western wilderness area, Green Dragons spawn quite regularly and are strong enough to require using your cannon to help out.
When fighting, use either the Craw’s Bow or the Blow Pipe as well as the Ring of Wealth imbued. These can result in you making a profit of 1050k per hour and 900k per hour, respectively. Specifically for the Hard Scrolls, you’ll find a clue every 11 or 12 minutes for either weapon, definitely making it worth your time overall.
Recommended Impling Jars: Nature/Magpie/Ninja
For Hard Scrolls, there are three separate Impling Jars you can use, each with its rate of return. Nature Implings are at a 1/100 drop rate and have a 40% buy price loss. Magpie Implings are at a 1/50 drop rate, but a 50% buy price loss. Ninja Implings have a 1/25 drop rate but have a 65% buy price loss.
In most cases, you’ll have to sell the loot you get from the clue scroll as well as the impling jars to either make a profit or break even.
Elite Scrolls
Lava Dragons
One method of hunting down Elite Scrolls is with Lava Dragons. These have a drop rate of 1/125 with an imbued Ring of Wealth, resulting in around 1 clue every hour and 15 minutes.
When doing this, ensure you’re adequately geared and at a high enough level. Lava Dragons are fairly dangerous, so you’ll want to ideally use a method of poisoning them to help quicken the process.
Another way of getting an Elite Scroll is by killing the Vorkath. It has a drop rate of 1/65 and generally takes around 2 hours before getting it. The good news is that you’ll also profit around 3 million gp per hour in drop value while also having the chance of getting a pet!
Recommended Impling Jars: Dragon
The only method for getting Elite Scrolls via Impling Jars is Dragon Implings. This method is only suggested if there is a specific item available. These items are very expensive, to the point that they may be a bit of a loss even if you get an Elite Scroll. Outside of that, it’s just not worth your time.
Master Scrolls
Clue Scroll Rewards
There are only one of two methods of getting Master Clue Scrolls, the first of which is a reward from any of the other clue scrolls.
Generally, when completing any of the treasure quests for any of the other scrolls, each will have a variable drop rate. Easy Clue Scrolls will have a 1/50 chance, Medium Clue Scrolls will have a 1/30 chance, Hard Clue Scrolls will have a 1/15 chance, and Elite Clue Scrolls will have a 1/5 chance.
Overall, your best bet is to do Medium Clue Scrolls, as this is the option with the highest return on time. In most of the methods, you can get around 25 Medium Scrolls per hour, which will result in you taking just under an hour and 15 minutes to get a Master Scroll.
The second method of getting a Master Scroll is collecting the easy, medium, hard, and elite scrolls and giving them to Watson. Watson is located in the fenced-in house west of Forthos Ruin in Hosidius.
One thing to keep in mind is that you’ll need to complete any Master Scrolls you have at the time before giving the other scrolls to Watson. Otherwise, he will take your scrolls and not give you a Master scroll in return. He should give you the owed scroll by completing the incomplete scroll and going back to talk to him.