The following guide will give you the information you need to train your Attack, Strength, and Defense levels from level 1 to level 99 along with what gear to use.
Leveling Guide
Level 1-10 Chickens

Chicken have very low defense, making them good for the early levels.
Level 10-20 Cows

Move over to the cows right next to the chickens.
Level 20-40 Sand Crabs

Located on the southern beach of the Hosidus House in Zeah. Some pures keep training here all the way to 99.
Level 40-70 Ammonite Crabs

These are located at the Fossil island, which means you have to do the Bone Voyage quest in order to fight these monsters. These tend to be less crowded than sand crabs.
Level 70-99 Nightmare Zone

This is a mini-game where you re-fight old quest mobs. For fighting in the nightmare zone, it is recommended to bring full Dharok’s along with a rock cake which you will use to get to 51 hp. After that, you can drink the overloads inside the nightmare zone to get to 1 hp and then drink the absorption potion and AFK away.
The mobs can now only hit a max hit of one and you should have 500 stacks of absorption potion, meaning you can get hit 500 times before you die. Since you are one hp also, you will hit a lot on these mobs.

Weapons and Armor
Weapons For Training Attack
There is a ton of weaponry in OSRS that you can choose from.
However, at lower levels, it is best to use the highest scimitar you can obtain. Remember that weapons have different tiers, from bronze (the lowest tier) to dragon (the highest tier).
Dragon Scimitar
Upgrading the first ranks is usually straightforward until you have reached the Dragon Scimitar.
You need to complete the Monkey Madness quest to unlock it, apart from having a 60 or more Attack level. Take note that most, if not all, Dragon-ranked weapons have some sort of quest requirement to have access to it.
Abyssal Whip/Abyssal Tentacle
When you reach level 70 Attack, you can equip the Abyssal Whip for Attack and Defense training. You can also obtain strength experience with the shared option that the whip has, which gives even experience between Attack, Strength, and Defense.
It is an excellent alternative to increase your Strength stat, but there are other options as well.
When you reach level 75, you can use the Abyssal Tentacle, which is an Abyssal Whip with a Kraken Tentacle attached to it.
It is stronger than the Abyssal Whip, but it does degrade back after 10 thousand charges. Even though it is more expensive to use, it does give more experience points, and the end goal is to reach level 99 faster.
Weapons For Training Strength
For Strength Training, three options are available when you have reached level 70 and above: the Sara sword, the Abyssal dagger, and the Abyssal bludgeon.
Saradomin Sword
The Sara sword is primarily a two-handed sword, similar stats to the Abyssal Whip, but with a strength-training option. Also, the sword is rather cheap and does not degrade, giving it a better cost value.
Abyssal Dagger
The Abyssal Dagger is a one-handed weapon and more powerful than the previous option as long as you combine it with a high-quality offensive shield.
It is an excellent upgrade to strength training and quite affordable, too.
Abyssal Bludgeon
From personal experience, the Abyssal bludgeon is a crowd’s favorite. It is a two-handed weapon that attacks pretty quickly and hits very hard. Although it is the most expensive of them all, you enhance your Strength training.
Special-Attack Weapons in OSRS
Special attack weapons do increase the amount of damage you do, which is the approach you need to take to increase your experience points for combat training.
Crystal Halberd, Dragon Claws, Granite Maul
Many weapons offer a special attack, which includes the Dragon dagger, the Granite Maul, the Crystal Halberd, and the Dragon Claws. Some of them focus on hitting harder, while others can hit multiple times.
Dragon Dagger
They can also be pricey, but you can purchase at least the Dragon Dagger since you can get it when you reach level 60 Attack and complete the “Lost City” quest.
This weapon hits twice in succession and only requires 25% of your Special Attack bar. It is also recommended to bring these weapons and your main weapon when you are doing Strength Training. This is because you can equip it to take advantage of the Special Attack and then switch back to your main weapon. Even though it is not necessary to bring them, they do add more experience points.
Up to level 40, you can use rune-based armor, and when you reach level 60, switch to dragon armor. However, when you reach level 70 Defense, you have now access to different Barrows Armor.
You can wear pieces of armor, but you receive a special bonus when you equip the full set. Some armor pieces do give an offensive bonus, especially in the niche group, like gloves, boots, rings, and necklaces.
In regards to gloves, you mostly obtained as rewards from quests and missions. You can climb up the regular rank order, from bronze to dragon, and then unlock the Barrows gloves after completing the “Recipe for Disaster” quest.
The Barrows gloves are the second-best gloves in the game, only bested by the Ferocious Gloves. However, you need to be at least level 80 Defense and Attack plus completing the “Dragon Slayer” quests to craft them out of Hydra leather.

On the other hand, the simplest gloves to obtain are the Combat Bracelet. They have no grand requirements, except having enough money to buy them. They are a pair of mithril gloves, but it is recommended to do all the previous quests to unlock the best gloves in the game and acquire them for more experience points.
Boots also have the tier ladder from bronze to dragon level. However, they do not yield an offensive bonus. The best choices here are the adamant boots, rune boots, dragon boots, and the best one are primordial boots.
However, you should still purchase them because they will reduce the damage you take while you are Strength training. In the end, it is the ADI up that will make the difference in experience rates. The best boots in the game are the Primordial boots, which are an upgrade from the Dragon boots. They are quite pricey but provide an acceptable bonus overall.
The ring slot is straightforward. There are three rings in OSRS that helps with melee training: the Berserker ring, the Brimstone ring, and the Warrior ring. These rings can help you offensively in melee training.

The Warrior ring bestows an Attack bonus for Slash, which is a nice feature if you have any Scimitar or Whip equipped, but the Berserker ring provides a Strength bonus with any kind of melee weapon.
Additionally, a Strength bonus tends to be more helpful for faster kills than accuracy in OSRS.
These rings can be imbued in the Nightmare Zone to double up their stats. The Brimstone Ringas has the same effects as the previous rings, but they cannot be imbued. Therefore, it is not as popular as the Berserker and Warrior RIng.