This guide is about how you can reach level 99 Magic in Oldschool Runescape. We provide the fastest methods, but also some alternative cheaper methods.
Leveling Guide
Level 1-7 Air Strike
At level one, you can only use air strike. It takes one air rune and one mind rune per cast. It would take around 120 casts to get to level 7.
Level 7-19 Enchant
You do this at level 7 to 19. You should start enchanting sapphire rings into rings of recoil.

This requires one water rune and one cosmic rune. You also use the standard spellbook like an airstrike. You need 190 casts. You also have to use the spell on each piece of jewelry, so it is quite click-intensive.
Level 19-27 Curse
You will go back to splashing here at level 19 to 27. You need one body rune, three earth runes, and also two water runes here.

It also uses the standard spellbook, and you need 199 casts. You also cannot use auto-cast when you do this.
Level 27-43 Enchant
You also do enchanting in levels 27 to 43. This time you do enchanting on the rings of dueling.

You use the standard spellbook here, and the requirements are one cosmic rune and three air runes. You need 1,098 casts here.
Level 43-49 Superheat Item
You use this on gold ores from levels 43 to 49. You need one nature rune and four fire runes here, and you need 781 casts.

This also gives you smithing XP. You will get more smithing XP while you do this if you wear the goldsmith gauntlet.
Level 49-55 Enchant
You use level 3 enchant from levels 49-55, and you use the standard spellbook once again.

This time, you need a cosmic rune and five fire runes. You need 1,270 casts when you enchant at this point.
Level 55-76 High Alch
This is what you will use from levels 55-76. This is a little slower than level 3 Enchant.

Each cast requires a fire rune and a nature rune, and you will also make use of the standard spellbook. For this part, you need to do 17,998 casts.
Level 76-80 Spinning Flax Spell
This is from the lunar spellbook, and you use two nature runes, one astral rune, and five air runes.

You cast this for 8,662 times. You do this from levels 76 to 80.
Level 80-94 String Jewelry Spell
You do this from levels 80 to 94, and you use the lunar spellbook. You need two astral runes, five water runes, and ten earth runes.

You also need to cast for 71,790 times. This may take you to level 99 already, or you may try the next step.
Level 94-99 Maniacal Monkeys/Nechryael Bursting
To unlock this, you need to partially complete the monkey madness 2. Here you will use the ancients spellbook. You also have to do a desert treasure. Bring your best magic gear and some prayer bonus.

You can also burst Nechryaels in the Catacombs of Kourend, which you will need a slayer level of at least 80.
Alternative Magic Training Methods
- Varrock with 25 magic where you earn around 45,000 to 50,000 XP per hour
- Lumbridge for 31 magic where you get an estimated 55,000 to 60,000 XP per hours
- Falador for 37 magic with 65,000 to 70,000 XP per hour
- Camelot with 45 magic where you may obtain around 75,000 to 80,000 XP per hour
Stun Alch
You may do this at 80 magic, and this uses the standard spellbook and the mud staff. You can get 175,000 to 185,000 XP per hour from this, which is some of the fastest magic exp in the game.
Plank Make
You may do this at 86 magic, and you will use the lunar spellbook and the earth staff. This requires a dream mentor and can get you anywhere from 165,000 to 170,000 XP per hour.
Other Alternative Spells
- Mage Training Arena
- Super Glass Make
- Tan Leather
- Recharge Dragonstone
- Fire Orbs
Spell Books
There are four different spellbooks in Oldschool Runescape.
There is the standard spellbook that you unlock when you open your account.
Second is the ancient magic spellbook, which is focused on combat spells. It also requires you to complete the desert treasure to use it.
The third is the lunar spellbook. It is more focused on skills, and you are also required to do the lunar diplomacy quest before you use it.
Lastly is the Arceuus spellbook. It is focused on prayer training.
Runes are required for all magic attacks. For magic spells, you may bring all the runes that you need, and you may equip an elemental staff. The elemental staff will count as an unlimited amount of the rune that the staff works for.
Osrs How To Splash (Splashing Guide)
When you cast a spell, there is a chance that it may land, or it may splash. You can land a combat magic spell, and you may still hit a 0. Splashing, on the other hand, guarantees that you hit a 0.
If you use a spell that doesn’t combat, if the spell splashes, nothing happens, but you still get XP when you splash. When you land the hit, you get more XP, but splashing is a lot more beneficial.
When you do magic training, you are constantly trying to use spells, so if you kill a monster, you have to wait for the monster to respawn in which this slows you down.
Or if you are lowering the monster’s defense level, there is a limit to that, so once you reach the minimum, you have to wait for the monster’s stats to regen before you may use the spell again.
If you are splashing, you may use the spells over and over without having to stop to wait. However, splashing depends on your magic bonus in which the higher your magic bonus is, you will have a lower chance of splashing.
If you get a magic bonus as low as -65, you are guaranteed a splash each time you attack.

To get to negative 65, you may use bronze gear, but it does not really bring you all the way to -65. You may add a cursed goblin staff to really get there. You may buy the staff for 45 coins. Or you may buy green d-hide vambraces and use a regular staff if you are ranged 40.
Quests That Give Magic Experience
We recommend you start out with the Witch’s Potion quest, the Imp Catcher quest, the Grand Tree quest, and the Watchtower quest to get a head start for your magic training. There are no requirements for Witch’s Potion and Imp Catcher, and they can take you up to level 10.
Here is a complete list of all the quests that give magic exp in OSRS:
Quest Name – Magic Experience Reward
- Witch’s Potion 325
- Imp Catcher 875
- Fairytale I – Growing Pains 1,000
- Spirits of the Elid 1,000
- The Giant Dwarf 1,500
- The Grand Tree 2,150
- Recipe for Disaster
- (Lumbridge Guide subquest) 2,500
- Horror from the Deep 4,662
- King’s Ransom 5,000
- Lunar Diplomacy 5,000
- Enakhra’s Lament 7,000
- Dream Mentor 10,000
- The Eyes of Glouphrie 12,000
- Swan Song 15,000
- Watchtower 15,250
- Desert Treasure 20,000