In Oldschool Runescape, hunting is probably one of the least popular skills that players invest their time and money to train. Although there are a few methods to level up and to make money, some players find it boring and prefer to level up other skills.
Therefore, it is good to know what possible approaches can be taken to increase your level up to 99 in the most efficient way possible.
Quests That Gives Hunting Experience
The only quest that actually gives any hunter experience that also only requires one hunter is the “Natural History Quiz” at the Varrock Museum.
However, it is not technically a quest because you do not receive any quest points. Nevertheless, it only takes about five minutes to complete it and you will receive 1000 hunter and slayer experience.
This will make you reach level 9 Hunter if you are at level 1. Since the other hunter quests in the game require you to be level 9 or higher, this quiz will jumpstart your level and allow you one step closer to unlock the next quests.
- The Ascent of Arceus
- Eagle’s Peak
- Monkey Madness 2
Hunter Leveling Guide
Before anything, you should always have extra traps when hunting. The worst thing possible that can happen to you is that you are stranded in some area with no traps and then having to travel back to the bank.
Some players AFK for too long or log out and they lose traps this way.
Level 1-9 Museum Quiz or Crimson Swifts
If you did not complete the Museum quiz, you should catch Crimson Swifts from 1 to 9 Hunter. These are located in the Feldip Hills, which is south of Castle Wars.

You are going to find these birds at the beach and you will need a bird snare to catch them. However, you are only able to sell one Crimsom Swift at a time.
Always carry a few around with you in case you AFK too hard or disconnect from the game. Early bird catching seems really slow, but you do not need to catch a lot of birds to reach level 9 Hunter. Overall, you will need to catch 29 Crimson Swifts to reach this level.
Level 9-20 Copper Longtails
Once you have reached level 9, you can transition to Copper Longtails, which are located north of Eagle’s Peak in the Piscatoris Hunter Area, You can also find them east of the Land’s End, which is in Zeah.

This involves the same mechanics as Crimson Swifts, but you earn more hunting experience. You will need to catch 58 Copper Longtails in order to reach level 20.
Level 20-29 Tropical Wagtails
Afterward, you should progress to Tropical Wagtails, which are located back at the Feldip Hills, but deeper in the Forest area.

You are able to catch once you have reach level 19, but it is best to do it at level 20. This is due to the fact that you are able to place two traps at the same time. Remember to always bring extra traps. You will need to catch 94 Tropical Wagtails to reach level 29.
Level 29-47 Swamp Lizards (20-50k/hour)
From this point forward, you are done catching birds and you can move on to lizards.

Now, you will begin to catch Swamp Lizards with a net trap and you are able to earn from 20k to 50k hunter experience per hour. To create the net trap, you need a small fishing net and a rope for each trap. Additionally, you need to do the Priests and Peril Quest to unlock the Morytania area. Just drop these as you get them.
Level 47-60 Orange Salamanders
From level 47-60 we’re going to be catching orange salamanders. These provide between 30-70k exp/hour. Make to bring plenty of waterskins, since this area is in the desert. Here is the location we’re going to be catching them at:

Make sure to take a knife with you, since you can refill your waterskins on the cactuses.
Level 60-70 Red Salamanders (50-100k exp/hour)
These are located north of castle wars. It shouldn’t take too long.

Level 70-99 Black Salamanders (70-150k exp/hour)
You can use the burning amulet to teleport close to the location where they are caught.

You can place up to 5 traps here since it’s in the wilderness, and at level 80 you can use 6.
Be careful not to bring any valuables, since it’s in the wilderness.
Level 70-99 Red Chinchompas
Provides some very profit with okay hunting exp rates.

When you have at least 5 Hunter and 5 Crafting, you can start laying down birdhouses to catch birds. However, you will need to complete the “Bone Voyage” quest so you can have access to Fossil Island. It is in this location where the traps are available. Although higher-level houses require having a higher level in hunting and crafting, they do yield more hunting experience per house.
How to Make a Birdhouse?
In order to make a birdhouse, you will need a chisel, a hammer, a clockwork, and some logs, depending on what tier of birdhouse you chose. The birdhouse can be used on trap spots to set up the trap and then filled with hop seeds or herb seeds to actually start catching birds.
It usually requires 10 seeds, However, if you use wild blood seeds or any herb seeds from Ranarr or above, you only need 5 of them. In addition, it normally takes about one hour to fill up the ten spaces in the house.
When it is completely filled, you can loot it and it will drop some raw meat on the ground, feathers, and a rare chance of bird nests. If the level of your birdhouse if higher, you have more chances of acquiring a bird’s nest because there are four different spots.
You are able to obtain from one thousand to four thousand hunter experience per run and it actually takes a small amount of your time. Some players compare it to herb runs when you are trying to earn passive farming experience, but it is much quicker to do a birdhouse run.
Additionally, most players do not like to do regular hunter training. Therefore, you can earn a lot of experience for your hunting skills over time with birdhouses if you do not want to take the traditional routes.
Although it only takes a few minutes here and there, the birdhouses are not a quicker way to do Hunter. The experience per hour that you receive while doing birdhouses is not faster than doing regular hunter training. Also, you do not need to sit down for a few hours to do it.
Hunter Shops
There are a few hunter shops around the game that sell all the hunting supplies you need. From experience, it is recommended to buy them from the Grand Exchange. But some ironmen will not be able to do this.