This guide is about how to get to level 99 when doing Herblore in Old School Runescape. Herblore is a straightforward skill to level up, but it is costly to do so.
Quests That Give Herblore Experience
These are quests that could help you get a head start on getting your herblore skill leveled up.
Druidic Ritual
You have to do Druidic Ritual to get to level 3 herblore. You may also do other quests for a little more herblore XP
Jungle Potion, Recruitment Drive, The Digsite
These three quests will get you to level 19 without herblore training. But you don’t really have to do these quests because herblore training is straightforward and fast.
How To Get Herblore EXP
This section is about how herblore XP works and how to obtain it. There are two ways of securing herblore XP when hunting down the herbivore is not included. The first is cleaning herbs.
Cleaning Herbs
Cleaning herbs give you herblore XP per herb cleaned. You may clean 5,000 or more herbs per hour.

You also earn profits here. However, it’s very click-intensive, and it is not really realistic if you do this for a long time to train in herblore.
Making Potions
Making potions is a great way to earn herblore XP. There are two steps in making potions. The first step is to use a clean herb on a vial of water. This way, you make an unfinished potion.

This step does not give any XP, and unfinished potions are tradable, so you may skip this step and purchase unfinished potions instead of purchasing herbs.
You earn XP when you add the third ingredient to make the unfinished potion a three-dose potion. Each potion has a different secondary ingredient.

Amulet of Chemistry
If you make a potion while wearing an amulet of chemistry, you get a 5% chance of making a four-dose potion instead of the standard three-dose potion. You may use the amulet of chemistry for five charges. Then it will crumble to dust. The amulet of chemistry would not speed up your XP, but it can save you some money in the long run, especially if you make potions a lot. This way, you may get more potions out of your herbs.
Leveling Guide
Level 3-5 Attack Potions
With attack potions, you do this from levels three to five. You make this from unfinished Guam potion and an eye of newt. You only need to make six potions to get to level 5.

Level 5-12 Anti-Potion
You may make this potion from levels 5 to 12 from marrentill potion and ground unicorn horn dust. You only need to make 32 potions to reach level 12.
Level 12-26 Strength Potions
You may create strength potions that require limpurt roots and tarromin potions from levels 12 to 26. You only need to make 144 strength potions to reach level 26.

However, the strength potion has a terrible GP to the XP rate. There is an increase in price, which is costly. If this is costly for you, you may make anti poisons 191 more instead to reach level 26.
Level 26-38 Energy Potions
To make energy potions from level 26 way up to level 38, you need harralander potion and chocolate dust. You need 332 Energy potions to get to level 38.

Level 38-45 Prayer Potions
You make prayer potions from levels 38 to 45. Prayer potions require unfinished ranarr potions and snape grass. You only need to make 356 of these.
You may take this all the way to level 99 and get excellent XP by making 148,618 potions, and you also get 200,000 to 220,000 XP per hour from making prayer potions.
Level 45-48 Super Attack Potions
You make super attack potions from levels 45 to 48. You are required to use irit potion and eye of newt to make super attack potions. You need to make 216 super attack potions to reach level 48 herblore, and you also get around 230,000 to 250,000 XP per hour making super attack potions.
Level 48-52 Super Anti Poision
You make this from levels 48 to 52. You make the super anti-poison from irit potion and ground unicorn horn. You need to make 203 potions to reach level 52, and you will get around 250,000 to 265,000 XP per hour making this potion.
Level 52-55 Super Energy Potions
From level 52 up to level 55, you make super energy potions make out of avantoe potion and mort myre fungus. You need to make 366 potions to hit level 55 herblore, and you will get 280,000 to 300,000 XP per hour by doing this. You may do this up to level 63 instead of the next potion in which you need to make 2085 potions.
Level 55-63 Super Strength Potions
You make this from level 55 to 63. The super-strength potion requires kwuarm potion and limpurt root. You need 1,616 potions to reach level 63 from level 55, and you also get around 300,00 to 315,000 XP per hour making these.
Level 63-69 Super Restore Potions
You make the super restore potion from level 63 to level 69, and you use snapdragon potion and red spider’s eggs to make this. You need to make 2,102 potions to reach level 69, or you may take it all the way to level 99 by making 88,884 potions. This would give you 340,000 to 360,000 XP per hour.
Level 69-72 Antifire Potions
You may make antifire potions from levels 69 to 72 with lantadyme potion and dragon scale dust. You need to make 1,468 potions, and it will give you 375,000 to 390,000 XP per hour.
Level 72-81 Ranging Potions
You make these at level 72 to 81. This is more expensive, and you need dwarf weed potion and wine of zamorak. You need to make 7,961 potions, and you will be given 390,000 to 405,000 XP per hour.
Level 81-99 Saradomin Brews
This is the last potion that you make that takes you to level 99. This is very expensive to make but gives a lot of XP per hour with a rate of around 430,000 to 450,000 XP. You need toadflax potion and crushed nest to make saradomin brews, and you need to make 60,232 potions to reach level 99 herblore.
Alternative Methods
Here are some methods that you can do if the methods if you are looking for different methods than we outlined in this leveling guide:
- Stamina Potions at level 77
- Extended Antifires at level 84
- Super Combat Potions at level 90
- Anti Venom+ at level 99