In this guide we will talk about the OSRS 1-99 fishing guide in which fishing is a slow 99 but it is great for multitasking.
Quests That Give Fishing Experience
The quests do not really give a lot of fishing training. Here are the quests that give fishing experience: Sea Slugs, Fishing Contest, Tai Bwo Wannai Trio, and the Fremmenik Trials. None of the quests have zero requirements but the Sea Slugs only require thirty fire-making.
Sea slug takes you from 1 to 24 fishing. The other quests have lower-level requirements. The Fishing Contest requires 10 Fishing requirements while the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio requires five.
Fishing Leveling Guide
Level 1-20 Shrimp/Anchovies
If you haven’t done any quests, at level 1, you may catch shrimp and when you catch shrimp, you need to use small fishing nets. There are some locations where you can catch shrimp in such as Draynor Village, but if you are low combat level the Wizards may attack you.
If you are low combat we recommend you go to the fishing spot at the east of the Lumbridge swamp instead.

When you hit 15 fishing, your character will now catch anchovies. There is a bank near the Draynor Village but you may just drop the fish to the ground to not waste any time.
Level 20-58 Fly Fishing (20-55k exp/hour)
You can do fly fishing once you hit level 20. There is a good fishing spot in Lumbridge but there is also a good fishing spot beside the Barbarian village.

You will need a fly fishing rod when you go fly fishing and you also need feathers.

You can drop the fish instead of going to the bank. If you have access to the Shilo village fishing spots, the banks are near enough to bank the fish. Fly Fishing is really fast so you may just use this method until you reach level 99 if you want to, or are f2p. It’s pretty chill too.
Level 58-99 Barbarian Fishing (30-60k exp/hour)
You can do Barbarian fishing from level 58 onward. You need to have completed barbarian training with Otto. He lives close by from the fishing spots. You will also need feathers
You also need to have 45 each for Strength and Agility and the fishing rod that you will use is a heavy fishing rod. You can get this from Otto.
Barbarian fishing also gives strength and agility XP.
After you get the fish, just need to drop the fish on the ground but, you may also cut fish up using a knife but that would be a little slower than simply dropping them.
Alternative Methods For 99 Fishing
Most of these methods give bonus XP rather than fishing or provide with more profit than the recommended methods.
Drift Net Fishing
Drift net fishing requires a minimum of 44 for hunter and 47 for fishing. You need to complete the Bon Voyage quest when you do this because it will be held in the underwater of Fossil Island.
I think this is an underrated method, but it gives good hunting experience aswell.

You must also bring your diving apparatus with you as well as your fishbowl helmet that enables you to breathe underwater. You may want to get a merfolk trident beforehand too for this method to be a lot faster.
You have to spend 200 numulite to get in to do drift net fishing. You can store up to 2,000 if you speak to the mermaid underwater. When you do drift net fishing, you just need to hang up your nets on some spot and chase the fish to the net.
Aerial Fishing
Aerial fishing is located in the Molch island which can be found at Lake Molch’s center. You can easily get there through the DJR fairy ring.
You would want to bring a knife with you although you may do it without a knife that would be really slow. With this, you cannot wield anything so you may use your dragon harpoon while Aerial fishing.
You can get your bird in the middle of the island. You also need king worms or fish chunks and you reward the bird with these when the bird catches fish. The king worms can be picked up from the ground. When you catch fish and use your knife on them, they will become fish chunks that stack. The king worms do not stack.
Fishing Money Making
You need 82 Fishing and a small fishing net to catch minnows. You also need the Angler’s outfit. The good thing about minnows is that they stack.

You don’t have to wear it but you have to have it with you on the platform. The pool moves clockwise every 15 seconds. The flying fish can appear and you might lose minnows due to these flying fish so you have to avoid them. You get 10 up to 14 minnows per catch. You can trade these fish for sharks at the docks.
You need 62 fishing with monkfish fishing and you must also have already completed the Swan Song. You also need a small net.
Infernal Eels
You need 80 fishing to catch internal eels. You will use an oily fishing rod and normal bait. You also need to have obtained the fire cape to access this area. You get Tokkul when you use the hammer on the eels, which can be exchanged for goods in the shops around this area.

You will be in the Mor Ul Rek(Tzhaar Area) when you catch infernal eels. You need to wear ice gloves when you catch these fish because they are extremely hot.

You catch these at level 82 fishing and you will need sandworms and a regular fishing rod. They are very slow to catch.

Dark Crabs
They can only be found in the wilderness and you can catch them at level 85 and they are also very expensive. It costs a fee to enter the resource area, but with the wilderness diaries you can lower this fee.

Sacred Eels
You need permission from the high priest(partial completion of regicide quest) to catch them and you can catch them at level 82 fishing.

You will also need level 72 cooking to turn these fish into zulrah scales, by using a knife on them.

Helpful Items For Fishing
Angler’s Outfit
Angler’s Outfit can give you bonus XP for fishing. It is a reward that you can obtain from the Fishing Trawler mini-game. You may also obtain it from the Aerial Fishing. If you go for the Fishing Trawler mini-game, you will have a 1 out of 8 chance in getting this item after you finish the game.
The official world for the Fishing Trawler mini-game is 370. Bring a large stack of swamp paste, and also a bailing bucket. You must also have with you some rope. A lot of people will be there so you would only need the paste 99% of the time.
The game lasts for 10 minutes. There is also an activity bar so you have to ensure that you are repairing holes. In case that you angle your camera correctly, you may be able to spam one spot and your character will already fix the hole whenever it breaks. In an hour, you get about five games. You have a 75% chance by 40 games played to complete the set in which this would take 8 hours to complete the set. This is only an estimate.
On the other hand, if you take the other route and do Aerial Fishing instead. If you do this, it might take you a lot longer to take the set. However, you also get better fishing and hunting XP as you do Aerial Fishing.
Dragon Harpoon
Second is the Dragon Harpoon. It is a great tool for speeding up the fishing process. You will need 60 fishing to use the harpoon and it is 15% faster compared to the normal harpoon. It can also speed up your tuna, shark, or swordfish fishing. It can also give you a special attack which is the boost fishing by 3 levels temporarily. It is a really cheap item and with its benefits. you should definitely grab this item.