Mining Gems in Shilo Village
We will be going to a mining site located in Shilo village in this mining method. But first, you need to prepare the tools you’re going to use while mining.

Aside from pickaxe, we highly recommend bringing an amulet of glory, prospector outfit and karamja 3 gloves.
How To Go to Shilo Village
You need to take the ship from Ardounge to Shilo village. Remember that you need to pay 30 GP for the Haven to bring you to the mining location.
Once you arrive, you need to pay a ferry card to Shilo Felix for around 200 GP at tribal village run boss bank to bring you to the mining site location. It is located in the northwest part of the Shilo village.
Alternatively, we recommend to complete the Karamja Hard diary first, then you can teleport directly to the gem mine area, which is underground. But before you can start mining gem rocks, you must complete the quest in Shilo village and have a total of 40 mining.
How Much You Can Earn from Gem Rock Mining
Every gem rock you mine, grants you a total of 65XP.
You can earn around 812GP for mining a gem rock on average.
Just do not forget that you need to be a charged glory and a pickaxe of opening the free world. If you do not have the Karamja diary, you need to surpass seven rocks and compete with others to run the bank. In the mining location, there is a deposit box there.
The most exciting part of this method is to have two worlds. The rocks will respawn when you have mined the gem rocks in one world. In the Unruh mining area, you need to complete a lap of gem rocks. All of your gem rocks will be placed in the deposit box.

Playing for 10 minutes, you can complete around 5 laps and earn an average of 55K. It is pretty similar to the lower level as you could also expect to earn around 35KXP in an hour above the ground. To compute the earnings for 10-minute mining, you can expect to earn around 137 gems on average of 812GP, which is also around 106 KGP.

If you’re going to mine gem rocks for an hour, you can earn a profit of around 150-600K GP, including a 55k mining experience.